Expanding the History Trail



Cultural Tourism DC (1250 H Street), the independent nonprofit coalition of more than 230 culture, heritage and community organizations, will expand its Civil War to Civil Rights: Downtown Heritage Trail this year to include the rich history around Judiciary Square, part of the trail’s East Loop. Thank the DC Courts, which contracted to have four new street signs installed in the vicinity of the courts buildings, bringing the total number of poster-sized signs in the East Loop to 10. Once implemented, the trail will begin at John Marshall Park on Pennsylvania Avenue and 4th Street, instead of at the old Recorder of Deeds building at 515 D Street. In addition, all of the signs’ back panels will be replaced and the heritage trail guidebook—a self-directed walking tour of Downtown DC—updated. The changes will increase from 21 to 25 the total number of Downtown trail signs highlighting DC’s role as the nerve center for the Union struggle and civil rights movement. The signage combines text, historic photographs, and maps. The Downtown SAMs will help distribute the new brochures to workers, visitors and residents once they become available. For more information about Cultural Tourism, visit www.culturaltourismdc.org.

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