WBJ: How to upgrade Chinatown Park: Events, games and a woonerf


April 16, 2018
By Katie Arcieri – Staff Reporter, Washington Business Journal

“Initially we were under the impression that it was a design-oriented challenge,” said Deborah Kerson Bilek, senior director of community outreach for ULI Washington. “It’s not so much design as it is implementation. What should be answered now is how can the relationships occur and be built over time to see success. I think it’s a matter of relationship building.”

Ellen Jones, deputy executive director of the Downtown Business Improvement District, said her group has a vested interest in Chinatown Park and welcomes new ideas and partnerships to help revitalize it.

Several years ago, her group worked with the National Park Service, which manages Chinatown Park, on several upgrades, including tree plantings, sidewalk repairs, fence mending and furniture installation.

“We will continue to offer our partnership to realize improvements, along with the National Park Service, to improve that space,” Jones said.

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