From the cash in your wallet to the 401(k) statement on line, you couldn’t get through the day without the ingenious inventions of a Scottish spy. William Playfair is best known as an adventurer of questionable repute who happened to invent “statistical graphics”— line, bar, and pie charts. Some academics are aware of his theories explaining trade and investment, or his contributions to concepts like price indexes and measures of national power.
What they don’t know is that Playfair was, in fact, a secret agent.
Bruce Berkowitz, author of PLAYFAIR: The True Story of the British Secret Agent Who Changed How We See the World, will share tales of this colorful man, his hunt to uncover his secret life, and how he ultimately proved Playfair’s role working for top British officials in an audacious operation that may have changed the course of the French Revolution.
Playfair will be available for sale and signing at the event. With support from The British Embassy.