A Successful Cleanup Partnership



Imagine our surprise when Tom Knoll, the pastor of First Trinity Lutheran Church (309 E Street) and a DowntownDC BID board member, contacted us about wanting to clean a public space near the church for a Cleanup Day of Service on September 8. This kind of request doesn’t happen every day, but we were more than glad to help!

First, we identified a location—Reservation 72, commonly referred to as Chinatown Park—that would provide the greatest benefit to the BID community. Second, our maintenance services manager, Ron Jones, gave the First Trinity congregation an overview of the role our Safety/Hospitality and Maintenance (SAMs) employees play in keeping Downtown safe and clean. Third, Maintenance SAM Raymond Danzler, a multiple SAM of the Month winner, met the group of about 10 volunteers at the park, located at 6th and I streets, where he distributed work tools and gloves for the cleanup effort, which primarily involved sweeping the area and collecting trash and litter.

The only other words to share are “It was a success.” Oh, and these: “Many thanks to First Trinity Lutheran Church for their thoughtfulness and hard work!