The Real World



School’s out—but work continues for 8 enterprising summer interns and hospitality aides who joined the Downtown BID in June to experience firsthand the challenges and opportunities in the business world. The students are recruited in partnership with the Department of Employment Services’ (DOES) Summer Youth Employment Program and the DC Chamber of Commerce (1213 K Street).

All DC residents enrolled in colleges along the Eastern Seaboard from Pennsylvania to Georgia, the students have majors as diverse as psychology, forensic pathology and political science. Many are working throughout the BID as office assistants, while others are working with the Downtown SAMs as hospitality and information aides learning customer service skills and building knowledge of their hometown. If you see one of our aides, ask how things are going. Interacting with the public is an important part of their training.

The Downtown BID is proud to give these young people the opportunity to gain skills necessary to compete successfully in today’s labor market. The Downtown BID also benefits from their contributions and is grateful for their service and youthful enthusiasm. This year marks the 10th consecutive summer of the hospitability aide program and a five-year-old partnership with DOES.