Search Result for : SAMS


December 28, 2011

Case Closed

  The best defense is an aggressive offense, as shown in a report prepared by the DowntownDC BID in December 2010, revealing how crime in Downtown DC declined from an average […]

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December 12, 2011

Spreading Holiday Cheer

  Ah, you gotta love our Downtown Safety/Hospitality and Maintenance employees, better known as SAMs. They do much more than keep Downtown DC clean, safe and friendly. During the holiday […]

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Press Release

November 14, 2011

Downtown Recycling Partners Observe America Recycles Day on November 15

Fri. November 11, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC – The DowntownDC Business Improvement District (BID) and the District Department of Public Works (DPW) are proud to observe America Recycles Day with national […]

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October 24, 2011

Stellar Behavior

No one at the Riot Act (801 E Street) had to read the riot act to our SAMs, who displayed their usual first-class behavior when the proprietors of Downtown’s new […]

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October 12, 2011

Monitoring Protest Areas

  With Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square occupied by demonstrators, the DowntownDC BID has deployed additional members of its Safety/Hospitality and Maintenance team (SAMs), to remove litter and trash and […]

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Press Release

October 12, 2011

DowntownDC BID Increases Clean and Safe Efforts Around Public Demonstration Areas

Wed. October 12, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC – In light of the Stop the Machine and Occupy DC demonstrations taking place in Downtown’s Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square, the DowntownDC Business […]

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September 29, 2011

Expanding the History Trail

  Cultural Tourism DC (1250 H Street), the independent nonprofit coalition of more than 230 culture, heritage and community organizations, will expand its Civil War to Civil Rights: Downtown Heritage […]

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September 01, 2011

Spreading the Word

  For years the DowntownDC BID has worked in cooperation with the Metropolitan, Metro Transit, and US Park Police to provide personal safety information to area employees and visitors at […]

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September 01, 2011

Hard to Miss

  The DowntownDC BID’s colorful new pickup truck and van have hit the streets. Used by our Safety/Hospitality and Maintenance (SAM) team to transport equipment, tools and supervisors, the vehicles […]

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August 30, 2011

Hurricane Watch

  In August, with Hurricane Irene looming on the horizon, the DowntownDC BID jumped into high alert mode, advising all Downtown property owners, property managers, businesses, and retailers to take […]

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