DowntownDC BID


DowntownDC BID

  • Employment Opportunities
  • The mission of DBSI is to enhance the ability of Downtown property owners, managers and businesses to respond efficiently and effectively to natural and man-made security events through electronic surveillance and emergency preparedness.

    For fifteen years, the DowntownDC Business Improvement District has implemented successful programs focused on public safety and combating street disorder resulting in a sustainable and clean downtown for the nation’s capital. Following the events of 9-11 and subsequent international terrorist attacks, experts recognize that this core downtown area may be vulnerable to a terrorist event. Since 2011 local, regional and national security experts coordinate with homeland security sharing information about possible threats or targeted attacks.

    These coordinated exchanges, while essential, do not negate the additional need for an expanded and integrated security initiative in the DowntownDC BID area, similar to those developed and running in New York City and London, UK.

    Working with the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety, the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA), the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and other public agencies and private property owners, the BID is developing a comprehensive security program known as the DowntownDC BID Security Initiative (DBSI).

    The DBSI’s mission is to develop a robust, public-private network of centrally monitored electronic devices throughout the BID area. The program will bring together property managers, security managers, emergency services officials, and police officials to help prevent, or at least mitigate, the impact of foreign and domestic terrorist events as well as natural disasters. Additionally, DBSI will establish preparedness training standards, continuity of operations planning and situational responses.